Houston is one of the most diverse cities in the country. Apart from being the most populous city in Texas, Houston is also the fourth most populous cities in the country. The city is extensively diverse, a place where everybody is from everywhere. The economy, the food and the gorgeous recreation spots are just some of the things that makes the city great. And Mitalena Coffee is proud to be Houston’s preferred coffee roasters.
If you are an avid coffee drinker, you might have wondered often times that what is it that makes the first cup of coffee so addictive and delicious. Needless to say, the beans have a big impact on the taste—but upon closer look, more than the beans, it’s the way the beans are roasted which influence the taste heavily. Mitalena Coffee has been working to perfect their methods over the years and we want to share some of our secrets with you.
Make Your Perfect Cup by Roasting Manually
One of the biggest misconceptions involving coffee is that one can’t roast it themselves. At Mitalena Coffee, not only are we a big fan of DIY coffee roasting, we simply encourage you to roast your coffee the way you desire. Keeping this in mind, Mitalena not only offers their select roast blends but also green and unroasted coffee beans. This gives you the chance to tweak and perfect your coffee roasting preference. These are some steps that will elevate your love for coffee even more.
- For your first step, all you need is an oven or stovetop that can generate heat ranging from 180-250 degrees.
- Next, you can grab a frying pan or baking tray,
- And just roast your beans! It’s as simple as that.
There’s nothing quite like the smell of roasting coffee in the home, making you love coffee even more, if that’s even possible.
Automatic Machines are Huge Time-Savers
For those who find manual roasting techniques too time-consuming, there are a host of automatic roasting appliances out there for home roasters, as well as commercial coffee companies. These machines fall into two categories: drum roasters and air roasters. Drum roasters use a rotating cylinder in which the beans are poured and heated; air roasters employ extremely hot air to roast the beans. When you want to produce a higher-volume of roasted beans, automated machines are often necessary.
Finding Your Flavor Profile
You might think to yourself, what makes the difference between a bitter, dark coffee and one with light citrus notes and hints of berries? It’s the roasting time and temperature. Light roasts offer more delicate and subtle flavors, but more caffeine (caffeine is actually lost during the roasting process). Medium roasts offer a bolder flavor profile without being too overpowering; there are also medium/dark roasts that many enjoy. These roasts tend to be less sweet and more bitter. Dark roasts bring to mind those steamy cups of coffee found in European cafés; think Italy, France and those little cups of bittersweet espresso. But that doesn’t mean you have to travel to Europe to get a taste of that! All you need to do is look at Mitalena’s wide selection of coffee and find your perfect match.
Find your roasting flavor profile with Mitalena Coffee beans
Mitalena Coffee carries everything from Kona Peaberry to Ethiopian Sidamo, green and ready to be roasted. We understand your love for coffee and are just as passionate about coffee as you. Contact us today and explore all the various varieties of coffees, experimenting throughout the way to find your perfect flavor profile. You can also shop online from our extensive inventory.
The post Houston Coffee Roasters: A Guide to Roasting Methods first appeared on Mitalena Coffee.