When the word “organic” is thrown back and forth, one might not always think of coffee: often a fresh batch of California strawberries comes to mind or a pack of your favorite veggies, right? You might find it surprising, but organic coffee is something that’s finally catching on and when you learn more about it, it’s not such a mystery.
As Houston’s leading organic coffee roasters, the team from Mitalena Coffee want to share some insight with you when it comes to your morning cup of joe. Below you’ll find a few pretty convincing reasons to switch to organic coffee. Let’s take a look!
A Few Reasons to Support Organic Coffee Roasters
Fewer Pesticides
Even with premier coffees made with top-notch, quality beans, you’re still likely to find traces of pesticides. Many studies have found that agrochemicals used on coffee stems or leaves can affect the bean, possibly tainting the end result. Although many claim that high roasting temperatures eliminate any lingering chemicals from the growing process, this might not always be the case.
Although the pesticides commonly used to treat coffee plants aren’t often thought to cause any consumer health problems, they can certainly affect the workers and environment where the beans are grown.
Reduced Environmental Impact
According to the International Coffee Organization, there are 52 countries around the world involved in the coffee industry, many of which are underpopulated and struggling each day. There are also many communities worldwide that greatly rely on coffee production, which is why farming organic coffee beans is so essential. Pesticides and other chemicals often have a negative impact on the environment where they’re used, affecting ecosystems and in some cases decreasing annual yields.
Unfortunately, even with these things at stake, organic coffee only makes up less than 7 percent of the world’s coffee yield.
Another issue with pesticides is that they add to an area’s soil erosion and can pollute water with chemical runoff during rainier seasons. For this reason, many of the companies in the United States are making the move and becoming organic coffee roasters or purchasing beans strictly from certified organizations.
Let Mitalena Coffee be your organic coffee roaster!
Searching for an organic coffee roaster that offers the best beans for an affordable price? Contact the team from Mitalena Coffee today to learn more about their inventory. You can also visit them online for a closer look at the roasting process.
The post Why Drink Organic Coffee? first appeared on Mitalena Coffee.